Dawn of a New Era Technology Tour of Hearthstone and the Vulcan Street Plant

September 8

September 22

All tours from 1:00 - 3:30 PM

For a decade starting in 1882, Appleton had more electrified buildings than any other city in the world! See how it all started and what made Appleton famous as a place of innovation.

Given by Edison experts Robin & Joan Rolfs, this tour provides an overview of the 142 year old artifacts that still light Hearthstone to this day. The Rolfs will lead guests through the residence to revel in the beauty of the fixtures that are still-functioning works of art. Designed by Sigmund Bergmann, Hearthstone houses the best collection of Bergmann fixtures in North America. Guests will also see the original wiring and original light switches - the latter, which are also still in use, giving us the phrase “turn on the lights.”

The Rolfs will then escort guests to the Vulcan Street Power plant which is about a mile away by car. There, Appleton Historical Society staff will demonstrate the plant in operation. It is also the 142nd anniversary of the Vulcan Street plant as the original plant was put in operation only four weeks after Henry Rogers lit Hearthstone.

Tickets are $15 in advance. Tickets are limited. Early ticket purchase is strongly recommended as the tour sells out quickly.